Meeting Agenda & Minutes

Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings, usually at intervals of six to eight weeks.  Members of the public are welcome to attend. All meetings of the Council are public meetings but they are not meetings for the public (except the Annual Parish Meeting or Parish Assembly as it is also known). Attendees are invited to speak during the agenda item 'Public Participation' which is near to the start of each ordinary meeting. Under this item, time is given for members of the public to raise issues and concerns with Council Members. 

The Parish Council holds three types of meeting during the course of the year. Ordinary Meetings are the normal routine meetings of the Council and deal with a full range of day to day business matters. The Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting for parish electors and is called by the Chairman of the Council each year between 1 March and 1 June. If they wish, electors are able to set the agenda and debate whatever community issues they choose, as well as celebrate and publicise local activities and achievements. 

An Annual Meeting is a meeting that must be held in the month of May. The Chairman and Vice Chairman are elected at this meeting and committee members are appointed as well as council representatives to outside bodies such as community groups and organisations.

The Parish Council has just one Committee which is a Planning Committee. 

This page is the place to find copies of agendas and meeting minutes which go back to 2010.   The agenda for an upcoming meeting will be posted on the Thursday of the week before to the date of the meeting.


Minutes - Planning Committee on Tuesday 26 March 2024

Minutes - Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024

Minutes - Council Meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2024

Minutes - Planning Committee on Tuesday 30 January 2024

Minutes - Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2023

Minutes - Planning Committee on Tuesday 28 November 2023

Minutes - Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 September 2023

Minutes - Planning Committee on Tuesday 26 September 2023

Minutes - Council Meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023

Minutes - Planning Committee on Tuesday 25 July 2023

Minutes - Planning Committee on Monday 22 May 2023

Minutes - Annual Meeting on Monday 22 May 2023


Agenda - Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 March 2024

Agenda - Planning Committee on Tuesday 26 March 2024

Agenda - Planning Committee on Tuesday 30 January 2024

Agenda - Council Meeting on Tuesday 30 January 2024

Agenda - Council Meeting on Tuesday 28 November 2023

Agenda - Planning Committee on Tuesday 28 November 2023

Agenda - Council Meeting on Tuesday 26 September 2023

Agenda - Planning Committee on Tuesday 26 September 2023

Agenda - Council Meeting on Tuesday 25 July 2023

Agenda - Planning Committee on Tuesday 25 July 2023

Agenda - Planning Committee Meeting on Monday 22 May 2023

Agenda - Annual Meeting on Monday 22 May 2023